Cincinnati Bell Inc. (NYSE:CBB) Gets Awarded “Cisco® Master Cloud Builder” Certification


Dallas, Texas 03/04/2014 (FINANCIALSTRENDS) – Cincinnati Bell Inc. (NYSE:CBB), the telecom services and solutions provider  announced on 3rd March that it has succeeded in gaining the much coveted “Cisco® Master Cloud Builder” Specialization.

Market Differentiator

This distinction certifies the ability of the technology service provider to build out and support large scale cloud based technology deployment using CISCO manufactured telecom routers and other advanced tech solutions. The specialization also signifies the ability and competency of Cincinnati Bell Inc. (NYSE:CBB) to seamlessly integrate and work in tandem with third party solutions and tech platforms developed by CISCO partners in the “storage, virtualization, cloud management and virtual desktop” domains.

Congratulating Cincinnati Bell Inc. (NYSE:CBB) Senior Vice President of Marketing Christi Cornette has been quoted to have explained that the certification highlights the ability of firm to deliver highly sophisticated solutions.


Congratulating Cincinnati Bell Inc. (NYSE:CBB) on this standout achievement, CISCO’s Senior Vice President for Worldwide Channels Edison Peres has been quoted to have said that, “This specialization brings together data center infrastructure, cloud management, eco-partner relationships and cross-vendor solution capabilities like VCE Vblock, NetApp Flexpod and Cisco VXI. It’s the customer’s ‘one-stop shop’ for the highest level of competencies for data center and cloud. CBTS’s Cisco Master Cloud Builder Specialization is an outstanding achievement.”

Stringent Parameters Dictate Certification Award

CISCO confers the much coveted and difficult to accomplish “Cisco Master Cloud Builder Specialization” only to those select partner firms which have demonstrated continued and sustained error free ability to help customers deploy its highly advanced tech solutions and new age IT architecture. CISCO also tracks the customer relationships maintained by these firms, in addition to the value added services that the interested companies are able to offer to its clients with respect to CISCO solution implementation before awarding this certification.

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