Kapuskasing Gold Corp (CVE:KAP) Strengthens Land Position At Lady Pond


Kapuskasing Gold Corp (CVE:KAP) reported that it has bought by staking a 100% interest in 15 claims located in the prolific mining region of Baie Vert. These claims are contiguous and proximal to the “Lady Pond Project”. It is composed of 33 claims located almost 45 kilometers from the Nugget Pond Milling Facility ran by Rambler Metals & Mining Canada PLC.

The update

The ongoing compilation on the 8 recently bought claim blocks reported March 1, is progressing well. This compilation has pointed Kapuskasing toward privately held records that the firm is accessing where accessible. Historic work to date implies the Lady Pond Prospect is a priority property. DNR files assessed and interpreted led the firm to buy 4 rights to the southwest and 11 rights to the northeast of the Lady Pond prospect. The 15 rights were risked to cover the inferred strike course of geology and recognized mineralization.

The assessment of historic data has situated selected grab sample outcomes of blasted rock on a dump place situated at Lady Pond. Kapuskasing is continuing the historic information compilation and attentions the reader that these are particular grab samples and extra sampling is mandatory to verify and get up to 43-101 compliant ethics.

The firm continues to assess all accessible data on the assignments in Labrador and Newfoundland. Its compilation will lead the exploration that will start in late spring as conditions allow. Exploration programs will put emphasis on the shallow on-strike and down dip potential of the recognized sulphide occurrences, with a specific emphasis on gold and cobalt mineralization.

Previous operators emphasized mainly on the copper mineralization and it seems that gold and cobalt analysis was never regularly performed. Kapuskasing will concentrate on deciding the gold, copper and cobalt potential by evaluating for all 3 elements. As the accumulation progresses resources will be placed on the firm website.

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