The Impact of Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) ‘Mobilegeddon’ So Far


A few weeks ago, Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) introduced an algorithm that would favor mobile-friendly websites. Initially, it was thought that there would be no significant influence on websites.

A new report from Adobe Systems Incorporated (NASDAQ:ADBE) claims that over the past 2 months, traffic to non-mobile friendly websites from Google mobile searches dropped by 2% following the implementation of the algorithm in April. The research statistics from Adobe surveyed traffic on more than 5,000 websites. The survey then categorized them into mobile-friendly and non-mobile friendly before the change was implemented.

Google had announced that the algorithm will favor websites that integrate the mobile format of browsing so as to encourage more websites to adapt to mobile enabled formats. This is after surveys that revealed that most individuals use mobile browsing because it is available on the go. Therefore, users are more accustomed to search for information or products through their mobile phones more often as compared to PCs.

Google’s idea was to take advantage of mobile browsing to bring in more profits while at the same time, making it more user-friendly to mobile users. The only problem was the fact that most websites were reluctant to introduce the mobile browsing option. That’s where the company decided to use ‘Mobilegeddon.’ According to Tamara Gaffney, an Adobe analyst, ‘mobilegeddon’ has had a significant influence since it was influenced. Many website operators began to make adaptable changes to their websites and, as a result, their websites did not suffer web-search exclusion.

The initiative was a success. Most of the sites that implemented the mobile browsing option reported higher traffic from individuals buying as a result of mobile ads and searches. Adobe also reported that Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) made more income due to the increasing number of clients paying for their ads within the second quarter. Gaffney also revealed that website operators whose traffic diminished ended up paying the company to allow phone users to keep visiting these websites. According to IgnitionOne, a digital marketing firm, the number of clicks on mobile ads rose by 44% this year compared to last year.

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