[market_watch ticker=MSFT item=name value=”Microsoft Corp.”] ([market_watch ticker=MSFT item=ticker value=”NASDAQ: MSFT”]), whose market capitalization now stands at $[finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=6 value=”522.95B”], reported EPS of $[finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=16 value=”2.27″] in the last financial year. That indicates the stock has price-to-earnings ratio of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=7 value=”30.06″] at the prevailing stock price. This fiscal year?s EPS is projected to grow [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=17 value=”41.90%”]% over the preceding year. With that, P/E for this year is expected to be [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=8 value=”20.51″].
For the forward P/E metric, market analysts have a 12-month target price of $[finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=69 value=”74.73″] on the stock of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=2 value=”Microsoft Corporation”].
Over the preceding five years, [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=2 value=”Microsoft Corporation”] has recorded EPS improvement of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=19 value=”-4.90%”]%. That against sales growth of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=21 value=”4.10%”]% over the same 5-year period. For the imminent five years, analysts expect the firm to post EPS growth of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=20 value=”9.35%”]%.
Let?s look into the charts of the stock
[intr_chart ticker=MSFT src=”http://www.financialstrend.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/-MSFT1.png”]
[intr_bto ticker=MSFT content=”ICAgIFRoZSBCYXJjaGFydCBUZWNobmljYWwgT3BpbmlvbiByYXRpbmcgaXMgYSA4JSBTZWxsIHdpdGggYSBXZWFrZW5pbmcgc2hvcnQgdGVybSBvdXRsb29rIG9uIG1haW50YWluaW5nIHRoZSBjdXJyZW50IGRpcmVjdGlvbi4gICAgIExvbmdlciB0ZXJtLCB0aGUgdHJlbmQgc3RyZW5ndGggaXMgTWluaW11bS4gICAgICBUaGUgbWFya2V0IGlzIGFwcHJvYWNoaW5nIG92ZXJzb2xkIHRlcnJpdG9yeS4gQmUgd2F0Y2hmdWwgb2YgYSB0cmVuZCByZXZlcnNhbC4gICAg”]
The company posted free cash flow of $[market_watch ticker=MSFT item=free_cash_flow value=”8.97B”], leading to price/ free cash flow (P/free cash flow) ratio of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=13 value=”31.11″].
[finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=2 value=”Microsoft Corporation”] also recorded return assets of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=32 value=”8.30%”]%, return on of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=33 value=”25.40%”]% and return on investments of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=34 value=”13.50%”]%.
Analysts are projecting the stock of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=2 value=”Microsoft Corporation”] to be trading at $[finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=69 value=”74.73″] in the next 12-months, but what been its performance quality until now?
The stock jumped/declined [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=42 value=”-3.35%”]% in the previous week, and for the preceding month it is up/down [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=43 value=”-5.00%”]%. For the quarter and for the fiscal year so far, the shares have risen/decline [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=44 value=”4.00%”]% and [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=47 value=”9.70%”]%, respectively. From a year earlier, the stock has moved [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=46 value=”33.25%”]%.
What about the volatility of the equity? First, the stock?s beta is [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=48 value=”1.00″]. Investors would do well to note that beta of less than 1 indicates that the underlying security is less volatile as against the market, but beta over one implies that a security is extremely volatile compared to market.
In terms of monthly or weekly volatility, [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=2 value=”Microsoft Corporation”] has a weekly volatility of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=50 value=”1.66%”] and monthly volatility of [finviz_code ticker=MSFT item=51 value=”1.70%”].