The EPS of $[market_watch ticker=ROX item=eps value=”0.00″] that [market_watch ticker=ROX item=name value=”Castle Brands Inc.”] ([market_watch ticker=ROX item=ticker value=”NYSE MKT: ROX”]) posted in the previous quarter came from sales of [market_watch ticker=ROX item=sales_mrq value=”22.58M”]%. Sales increased [finviz_code ticker=ROX item=23 value=”13.00%”]% from the prior quarter, whereas EPS increased [finviz_code ticker=ROX item=22 value=”-55.30%”]% also from the previous quarter.
To generate [market_watch ticker=ROX item=sales_mrq value=”22.58M”]% in sales, the company invested $[market_watch ticker=ROX item=cost_gsold value=”13.27M”], as the cost of goods sold. The gross margin for the quarter amounted to $[market_watch ticker=ROX item=gross_income value=”9.32M”] after removing the cost of goods sold out of the sales figure.
Let?s look into the stock charts.
[intr_chart ticker=ROX src=””]
[intr_bto ticker=ROX content=”ICAgIFRoZSBCYXJjaGFydCBUZWNobmljYWwgT3BpbmlvbiByYXRpbmcgaXMgYSAxNiUgQnV5IHdpdGggYSBBdmVyYWdlIHNob3J0IHRlcm0gb3V0bG9vayBvbiBtYWludGFpbmluZyB0aGUgY3VycmVudCBkaXJlY3Rpb24uICAgICBMb25nZXIgdGVybSwgdGhlIHRyZW5kIHN0cmVuZ3RoIGlzIFdlYWsuICAgTG9uZyB0ZXJtIGluZGljYXRvcnMgZnVsbHkgc3VwcG9ydCBhIGNvbnRpbnVhdGlvbiBvZiB0aGUgdHJlbmQuICAgICAgIA==”]
Can [market_watch ticker=ROX item=name value=”Castle Brands Inc.”] fund its operations in the predictable future? The firm closed the previous quarter with cash balance of [market_watch ticker=ROX item=cash_mrq value=”611,048″]%. It recorded free cash flow of $[market_watch ticker=ROX item=free_cash_flow value=”434,570″] in the quarter, with operating activities resulting in $[market_watch ticker=ROX item=net_op_cash value=”478,979″] in net cash flow.
Digging deeper into [market_watch ticker=ROX item=name value=”Castle Brands Inc.”]?s liquidity, you note that its current ratio closing the most recent quarter was [finviz_code ticker=ROX item=35 value=”3.20″], which quick ratio for the equivalent period was [finviz_code ticker=ROX item=36 value=”1.10″].
[market_watch ticker=ROX item=name value=”Castle Brands Inc.”] closed the quarter with debt of [market_watch ticker=ROX item=debt_mrq value=”-“]%, indicating that debt increased/decreased by [market_watch ticker=ROX item=grth_fail value=”growing”] from the previous quarter.
That said, the firm?s long-term debt/equity was at [finviz_code ticker=ROX item=37 value=”17.45″] while and debt/equity ratios was [finviz_code ticker=ROX item=38 value=”0.00″], respectively.
[market_watch ticker=ROX item=name value=”Castle Brands Inc.”]?s total assets at the close of the latest quarter were $[market_watch ticker=ROX item=total_assets value=”54.34M”], while total liabilities were $[market_watch ticker=ROX item=total_liab value=”49.88M”].
Analysts have an average recommendation of [finviz_code ticker=ROX item=62 value=”-“] on the stock [market_watch ticker=ROX item=name value=”Castle Brands Inc.”]. In deciphering the analyst call, investors should keep in mind that a call of 1 signifies BUY, 3 implies HOLD and 5 indicates SELL.
As for the price target, market analysts are projecting the stock to hit $[finviz_code ticker=ROX item=69 value=”-“] by the close of the imminent 12 months. Considering the stock?s current price of $[finviz_code ticker=ROX item=65 value=”1.81”], you can see what market analyst expect to occur to the price in the coming period.
To trade at the existing price of $[finviz_code ticker=ROX item=65 value=”1.81″], the stock has traded in the 52-week range of $[finviz_code ticker=ROX item=58 value=”178.46%”] to $[finviz_code ticker=ROX item=57 value=”-18.47%”].