All Current Projections for Lithium Demand Are Too Low


Investors ask:
Has Lithium Finally Peaked?

Not by a long shot! Here’s how you can play this!  

Lithium world production has absolutely skyrocketed over the last two decades; investors have already made fortunes, but as will be revealed in this report, your shot at profits in lithium investing is just getting started!

Despite explosive growth in lithium demand, what you see now may be the earliest stage of a massive market opportunity unlike anything you’ll see in your lifetime.

To validate where this is going, you need only look at the incredible efforts that China is making right now to corner the global lithium market.

Take heed of this; they want this because they know it’s going to be huge!

China already controls 30% of world lithium supplies and is reportedly after the world’s two biggest lithium producers, SQM (NYSE:SQM) and Albermarle (NYSE: ALB). These two companies alone account for another 54% of world lithium supplies…if China gets in…they could control over 80% of world lithium supplies!

Both these large cap companies trade on the New York Stock Exchange. Either could be a solid, conservative position for you to invest in lithium without putting your money in Chinese equities. But there’s another way to play this emerging lithium market and the profit opportunity could be life changing.

Given that current world lithium production must be discovered and ramped up dramatically…new resources and the junior companies that own them are likely to explode in value.

One such company is QMC Quantum Minerals Corp (TSX-V:QMC; OTC:QMCQF; FSE:3LQ) and you would do well to look into this without delay. This company is well past the “discovery” phase!

Unbeknownst to many, Quantum Minerals holds 100% interest in an amazing 1.2 million ton lithium ore deposit in Manitoba, Canada. Though first discovered in 1954, this resource has lain undeveloped for over 60 years! Back then the world simply didn’t need that much lithium. Rather than flood the market, the mine was mothballed and ultimately forgotten! Amazing how things can change in a few short decades!

What is even more amazing is that because the mine and reserve reports are now over six decades old…the value of all that lithium ore has not only skyrocketed…it remains unreported! Not a dime of it shows on Quantum’s balance sheet and that will stay that way until the company updates and files contemporary documentation!

Though Quantum is moving fast to update its records…you may still have time to get ahead of this!

Today, while Quantum Minerals scrambles to complete the documentation necessary to put its lithium reserves on the books, you can still buy QMCQF on the OTC at around 35¢ a share![1] Simply stated, this can’t last long! In a matter of just months, maybe even weeks, Quantum’s lithium is likely to post on their balance sheet and when it does shareholder value could leap overnight!

You can follow Quantum’s progress by registering for their in-house emails. Follow this link to sign up now and get all the news as it is released first! Go to:

This is an amazing buying opportunity in a market that could voraciously consume every ounce of lithium the world produces!

A wealth building opportunity like nothing you’ve ever seen!

The chart at the top of this report doesn’t come close to what lithium production must be in the coming years![2] And one country, China, is moving hard to corner that market!

Bloomberg Businessweek reports that China is already on track to produce one million battery-powered vehicles this year.[3] Using Musk’s analysis the Chinese would require twice as much lithium as is being produced today!

So, while every major auto manufacturer on the planet scrambles to obtain necessary lithium…

China is making moves to corner the entire global lithium market!

If you hold to any lingering doubt that lithium stands on the threshold of a massive upside move, this should settle it.

China is aggressively moving to become the world’s leading producer of lithium-ion batteries. Their lithium-ion battery production capacity is on track to be three-times greater than the rest of the world’s production combined![4]

To accomplish this, China is doing what China does best…taking over supply channels. If successful, that would push their nearest battery competitor, Tesla, into a distant second place!

Nobody seems to be paying attention, but by all appearances, China is orchestrating a world lithium supply crisis that could put them in control of 80% of all current global lithium resources.

Their objective is clear. Lock up the lithium-ion battery market and they ultimately control the entire global electric vehicle (EV) market.

The implications are staggering.

Over the next two decades, EV sales are projected to skyrocket by around 200% annually and put 60 million new electric vehicles on the road. Based on current technology, every one of those vehicles should be powered by lithium-ion batteries that China intends to produce.

All they need is the lithium and they’re well on the way to get it. What’s more, anyone with a position in lithium may soon find their holdings soaring in value.

Consider these facts.

China already controls 30% of world lithium supplies[5] and they’re aggressively pursuing control over another 50% of world supplies focused in South America and Australia![6]

Their likely acquisition targets: SQM (NYSE:SQM) and Albermarle (NYSE: ALB). These two large cap miners alone account for over half (54%) of the lithium supplied to world markets and the Chinese want it and more.

You might consider buying shares right now, there’s plenty of room to grow.

But a much bigger opportunity may lie with an unknown junior,

The reality is that lithium demand is growing so fast that the world’s top lithium producers are straining to keep pace. Demand is roaring past current production and, new lithium reserves must quickly begin flowing to market.

That’s not an overnight process.

Discovering, proving and ultimately delivering new lithium supplies could take years. However, Quantum Minerals Corp (TSX-V:QMC; OTC:QMCQF; FSE:3LQ) is already well along in that process, poised now for an explosive break out of junior status.  It is mere steps away from bringing this important Canadian lithium mine to production…at a time when global lithium supplies appear strained to the limit!

A global lithium supply crisis could sink a company like Tesla at the same time it elevates a company like QMC Quantum Minerals

Tesla knows it’s exposed. Lithium is Tesla’s lifeblood; without it the company would likely die.

That’s why over the last year or so, Elon Musk has been quietly forging relations with Chinese companies. In 2017, the Chinese company, Tencent Holdings paid $1.8 billion for a 5% stake in Tesla.[7]

What’s more, Tesla is digging in deep on Chinese soil. On May 14 this year, Marketwatch reported that Tesla filed a new company in China called Tesla Shanghai Co. Ltd. In the Pudong New District of Shanghai.[8]

You can speculate all day long about why Musk would move to China, but one thing seems clear, In China he could get in on Chinese-controlled lithium supply lines that the Chinese seem bent on dominating!

This situation creates nothing but upside opportunity for shareholders in large-cap producers SQM and Albermale as well as enormous growth opportunity in a company like QMC Quantum Minerals.

Here are just a few of the recent moves the Chinese made to trigger what may lead to a global lithium supply crisis. All of these moves are linked to lithium mining operations.

Financial Times reports this April that China’s Tianqi Lithium Industries advanced a $5 billion stake in SQM.[9] The report warns:

If [China’s Tianqi Lithium] were able to buy the 32 per cent stake in SQM, it would have a dominant influence on global supplies of lithium, just as carmakers are pouring billions of dollars into ramping up production of electric cars. (Emphasis added.)

Albermarle has already established strong support for Chinese lithium objectives. In 2016, the company announced it had agreed to purchase:

“…manufacturing assets located in both Jiangxi and Sichuan, China focused on the production of battery-grade lithium carbonate and lithium hydroxide.  Jiangli New Materials currently tolls lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate for Albemarle utilizing spodumene from Albemarle’s Talison joint venture in Australia.”[10]

Fortune Magazine goes further reporting,

“China’s Tianqi Lithium Industries is set to build a A$400 million plant in Australia which it aims to open in late 2018, expanding its output of the material mainly for lithium batteries used in electric cars and high-end energy storage.”[11]

Bloomberg Businessweek sums this entire scenario in a January, 2018 article titled:

The Breakneck Rise of China’s
Colossus of Electric-Car Batteries

“…as China targets a sevenfold increase in new-energy vehicle sales by 2025 and ponders a course for phasing out fossil-fuel vehicles altogether. “China, unabashedly, wants to be the Detroit of electric vehicles,” said Anthony Milewski, a managing director at Pala Investments Ltd., a Zug, Switzerland-based fund investing in the EV supply chain. “There is no question in my mind that they are going to lead the world in capacity and, eventually, in the technology.”” (Emphasis added.)

Should China gain control of global lithium supplies, every major auto manufacturer on the planet could be compelled to use Chinese-made lithium-ion batteries.

Manufacturers have little choice but to steer away from gasoline/diesel power vehicles! Volvo leads the change and surprise, surprise…Volvo is now owned by Chinese carmaker Zhejiang Geely Holding Group.

“Volvo Cars on Wednesday became the first mainstream automaker to sound the death knell of the internal combustion engine, saying that all the models it introduces starting in 2019 will be either hybrids or powered solely by batteries.”[13]                                                                  -NYTimes, 7/5/17

The point is; China is “all in” on electric vehicles and that means they’re “all in” on lithium!

Within about twenty years, roughly two-thirds of the world’s population will no longer be able to buy a gasoline/diesel-powered car.

You could reel in some serious gains if you make the right moves now. Here’s how you can play this.

Don’t bet on the Chinese and don’t bet on Tesla.

Regardless of who comes out on top, investors stand to make fortunes by investing in lithium mining!

Consider this approach. Play it safe with SQM and Albermarle; go for the home run with QMC Quantum.

There seems to be no question that SQM, and Albermarle offer exceptional growth opportunity in the emerging lithium marketplace. But seasoned resource investors recognize that enormous wealth can be made by backing an early-stage junior like QMC Quantum Minerals Corp. (TSX-V:QMC; OTC:QMCQF;FSE:3LQ).

What’s especially intriguing about Quantum is that despite the company sitting on 1.2 million tons of historically proven lithium ore, hardly a fraction of that appears in the company’s share price. As the company scrambles to update its 60-year-old resource reports…QMC shares continue to trade at under 35¢!

Don’t mist this; it could change dramatically, virtually overnight.

Quantum Minerals is now aggressively updating its lithium reserve report. So despite being HISTORICALLY PROVEN IN THE GROUND… the value of its reserves is not yet in their books and is not yet fully reflected in the company share price!

This will not be new information. The numbers and assays are already known…they’re just 60 years old and cannot yet be posted on the company’s books nor announced to the investing public!

Because of this reporting issue, Quantum shares now trade under 35¢…but the underlying value could be 20- to 30-times that amount! Here’s why that happened.

Take a quick trip in the Wayback Machine…

In 1955, Lithium Corporation of Canada was reported to have over a million ton reserve of lithium ore concentrated in the Cat Lake region of Manitoba. The news was buried at the bottom of a 720-page report that apparently went largely unread. Here’s the key excerpt:

Over a million tons of lithium ore, but nothing came of it. Back then the demand for lithium was sparse at best. In fact, the price of lithium in the 50s floated around $11 to $12 a ton…today the price of lithium has soared over 7,200% to where it now sells north of $800 per ton!

The notion that lithium would become the fuel of the future was simply unimagined. That mine report was quickly forgotten and the lithium ore went untouched.

Fast forward to 2018.

QMC Quantum Minerals now owns 100% of the Irgon Lithium Mine Project in southeast Manitoba and 100% of the indicated ore reserves totaling 1,203,500 tons of lithium oxide! But not a penny of those reserves are reflected in the share price!

That “Indicated Ore Reserves” finding dates back to the 1950s. By law, it can’t be reported on the company books.

To establish today’s lithium ore valuation…the reserves must be reported again following current regulatory requirements. That comes in what’s known as an NI43-101 report and Quantum appears to be fast-tracking its completion. For good reason!

Once that report is filed (which could happen very soon now) Quantum’s 1.2 million tons of lithium ore leaps directly to shareholder value!

With Quantum shares now trading under 35¢…Quantum’s Irgon mine has become a forgotten gem that may soon pour a fortune into the company’s stock price.

The entrance to the Irgon Mine, located in the Cat Lake district, features this plaque, which reads (emphasis added):


Staked in 1926 by Peter Osis

Underground Development Commenced: 1956

Operating Period: 1956/57

Underground Workings: 241 ft. deep shaft with 1 level at 200 ft.

Production: Nil

Indicated Ore Reserves: 1,203,500 tons of lithium oxide.

So what’s holding it back? While Quantum works on its NI 43-101 report, the value “on the books” of all that lithium stagnates at zero.

That could change dramatically, overnight!

Once that NI 43-101 report is issued and that amount of lithium in the ground is quantified as reserves, Quantum shares could skyrocket…the company just needs to get this report finalized!

That means if any of this interests you as a ground-floor opportunity, you need to get on this without delay!

Quantum is aggressively pursuing a program to get that done. As it does, this little-known gem may already be lighting up investor radar screens.

On February 28, the company announced samplings that returned lithium dioxide concentrations of 2.62%…about 1.7-times historical averages.[14]

In total, 25 grab samples were obtained from the Irgon South #1, #2, and #3 Dikes. The assay results confirm that the dikes in this area are lithium-bearing, up to 2.62% Li2O and as such, this area will undergo a more detailed sampling and exploration program during 2018.”

Five days later, Quantum announced its “huge lithium anomaly”, which was an early official pronouncement of the size and scope of the Irgon prospect.[15] This is important to note because this one announcement has very likely put Quantum on some radar screens. It brings urgency to the necessity to get in front of the wave that could be taking shape now.

“The ongoing detailed channel sampling and a subsequent drill program will be required to update this historical resource to current NI 43-101 standards. Historic metallurgical tests reported an 87% recovery from which a concentrate averaging 5.9% Li2O was obtained.”

The extent of Quantum new findings was confirmed on March 9 when the company announced that its surface sampling returned lithium grades that substantially exceeded historical data![16]

“144 channel samples (over 139.1m) were obtained from 11 sawn channel cuts across the width of the Irgon Dike.”

“The best channel sample interval returned 1.43% Li2O over 18.0m – including 1.73% Li2O over 14.0m.”

“Lithium grades of up to 4.31%, 4.0% and 3.05% Li2O over one metre intervals were reported in the assay results.”

On March 14, Quantum announced it has obtained the drilling permits needed to complete the remaining samplings for the aforementioned NI 43-101 standards!

“The Company is currently in the process of requesting and assessing bids from drilling contractors prior to initiating a [6,500 foot] drill program designed to confirm both the historic Li2O assays received from the 1953/54 drill program and those obtained from historic sampling across the six crosscuts on the 200-foot level in the underground workings.  These historic results are reported in Manitoba Assessment Report #94932.” (Emphasis added.)

“Data received from this drill program in addition to the results of the recent surface channel sampling program on the Irgon Dike (QMC News Release of March 05, 2018) will be compiled by QMC to update the non-NI43-101 compliant historic resource of 1.2 million tons of 1.51% Li2O to current NI 43-101 standards.” (Emphasis added.)

Two weeks later, on March 28, Quantum announced completion of 3D modeling[17] that “clearly demonstrates that to date, exploration and underground development has been only undertaken on the central portion of dike leaving significant potential to quickly increase tonnage as the Irgon Dike is open both along strike and to depth.” (Emphasis added.)

This could get much bigger than originally calculated!

On May 9, Quantum reported it will soon compile both historical and pending new drill results to be “used in preparation of a NI 43-101 report.”[18] Once completed, the valuation of Quantum’s lithium reserves can be reported in compliance with securities regulations. In other words…the news will be out!

Don’t get caught behind the news! The time to act is now.

On May 23, Quantum announced it had engaged SGS Canada Inc. (“SGS”) to provide technical support and consulting services for the company’s 2018 field exploration and drilling program at the Irgon Lithium Mine Property” and that “SGS will compile a NI 43- 101 compliant technical report, which is expected to confirm and potentially increase the non-NI 43-101 compliant historical reported resource of 1.2 million tons”[19] of lithium-oxide ore along with potential for newly calculated resources that go beyond what was reported in historical records.

This is the ground floor for Quantum shareholders and it won’t last long. Once its NI 43-101 report is released…the opportunity to buy Quantum shares at current penny stock prices will likely vanish!

Start with your due diligence!

Investing in any mining company carries risk and it can be substantial with a junior like QMC Quantum Minerals. But remember, high risk can yield high reward. The two large cap lithium producers mentioned above, SQM, and ALB, offer sound opportunity for steady growth in lithium as the global market expands.

However, for more aggressive investing with an eye toward triple-digit returns, even a ten-bagger or better, take a hard look at QMC Quantum Minerals (TSX-V:QMC; OTC:QMCQF; FSE:3LQ) and do it quickly!

The pace of Quantum’s progress toward re-certifying its historically shown lithium resource should quickly garner attention from professional traders. Recent company announcements confirm the progress that should ultimately shine a very bright light on their newly determined resource valuation…and that could trigger a stampede into a hugely undervalued stock!

Get engaged now!

The quick and easy way to get engaged is to buy some shares! That can put you on the leading edge as the company progresses toward proving its lithium resource.

Always remember, past results do not ensure future returns. But soaring new demand for an essential element to power the world’s energy future sets the stage for massive growth in the lithium market. Since the turn of this century, lithium prices have more than tripled[20]…and this could just be getting started! Demand for lithium seems inevitable. And now that the Chinese are moving hard to corner the market, pressure on the supply side should be enormous.

Profit-seeking investors may do very well by getting in front of this wave now!

At a minimum, get Quantum on your broker’s watch list and pay attention to Quantum’s news releases.

To learn more about QMC Quantum Minerals (TSX-V:QMC; OTC:QMCQF;FSE:3LQ) and to sign on to the company mailing list, visit their website at:

[1] OTC:QMCQF closing price June 18, 2018

[2] Graph source:

















