[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] ([market_watch ticker=ESRX item=ticker value=”NASDAQ: ESRX”]) said its revenue at the close of the latest quarter were [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=sales_mrq value=”24.65B”]%, up [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=rev_grth value=”-0.01%”]% from the same period a year earlier.
Since [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] incurred expenses of $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=cost_gsold value=”23.14B”] to generate the revenue. Its gross income in the quarter was $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=gross_income value=”1.51B”]. After discounting other operating expenses like salaries from the gross income, it closed up with EPS of $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=eps value=”0.90″].
Let?s analyze the technical of the stock
[intr_chart ticker=ESRX src=”http://www.financialstrend.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/-ESRX.png”]
[intr_bto ticker=ESRX content=”ICAgIFRoZSBCYXJjaGFydCBUZWNobmljYWwgT3BpbmlvbiByYXRpbmcgaXMgYSA1NiUgU2VsbCB3aXRoIGEgU3RyZW5ndGhlbmluZyBzaG9ydCB0ZXJtIG91dGxvb2sgb24gbWFpbnRhaW5pbmcgdGhlIGN1cnJlbnQgZGlyZWN0aW9uLiAgICAgTG9uZ2VyIHRlcm0sIHRoZSB0cmVuZCBzdHJlbmd0aCBpcyBBdmVyYWdlLiAgIExvbmcgdGVybSBpbmRpY2F0b3JzIGZ1bGx5IHN1cHBvcnQgYSBjb250aW51YXRpb24gb2YgdGhlIHRyZW5kLiAgICAgVGhlIG1hcmtldCBpcyBpbiBoaWdobHkgb3ZlcnNvbGQgdGVycml0b3J5LiBCZXdhcmUgb2YgYSB0cmVuZCByZXZlcnNhbC4gICAg”]
The reported EPS from dividing the net income by the number of outstanding shares. Shareholders should bear in mind that [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] closed the quarter with diluted due shares of [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=total_do_shares value=”605.1M”].
For the imminent quarter, though, the market analysts are expecting EPS of $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=eps_forecast value=”1.90″] from [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”].
[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] finished the recent quarter with a cash balance of [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=cash_mrq value=”3.16B”]%. It recorded net cash flow of $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=net_op_cash value=”1B”] from operations, resulting in free cash flow of $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=free_cash_flow value=”954.6M”] for the quarter.
With that, the firm closed the quarter with total assets of $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=total_assets value=”51.06B”]. It reported total debt of [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=debt_mrq value=”1.62B”]%, with the debt having jumped/decreased by [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=grth_fail value=”growing”] from the previous quarter. [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] booked total liabilities of $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=total_liab value=”35.13B”] in the previous quarter.
Analysts who have analyzed [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] so far have a recommendation of [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=an_recommend value=”Overweight”] on its equity. What does that indicate? A recommendation in between 1.00 ? 1.24 implies that a stock is a BUY. A call in the band of 1.75 ? 2.24 implies a stock is a HOLD, and a call figure in between 2.75 ? 3.00 shows a stock is a SELL. So that explains you the perception of [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] on Wall Street.
However, outside HOLD, SELL and BUY other available analyst calls are OVERWEIGHT and UNDERWEIGHT, shown by figures in the range of 1.25 ? 1.74 and 2.25 ? 2.74, correspondingly.
Analysts on the average are anticipating that shares of [market_watch ticker=ESRX item=name value=”Express Scripts Holding Co.”] will be trading at $[market_watch ticker=ESRX item=avg_prc_tgt value=”66.79″] in the next 12 months.