We are going to take a close look at [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=name value=”Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.”] ([market_watch ticker=CYCC item=ticker value=”NASDAQ: CYCC”]) today to get a better sense of the company and its current status, as well as the opportunity it may offer for prospective investors. Today’s focus will be a fundamental evaluation of the stock from top to bottom.
As such, let’s start with the top line: Revenue trends.
Last quarter, the company saw its overall sales move to [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=sales_mrq value=”277,000″] in total revenues. That represents an overall change in revenues, on a quarterly year/year basis, of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=rev_grth value=”-0.53%”]. If we translate that into sequential terms, the company saw sales [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=grth_dec value=”grow”] by [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=sales_grth value=”0.26%”] from quarter to quarter.
While revenue analysis gives us a strong sense of changing demand trends in the company?s end market, and how the company is executing in terms of its relationship with potential customers, real shareholder value is only truly created by profitability.
With this in mind, we turn to the company’s bottom line data.
[market_watch ticker=CYCC item=name value=”Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.”] ([market_watch ticker=CYCC item=ticker value=”NASDAQ: CYCC”]) is intriguing when broken down to its core data. The cost of selling goods last quarter was [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=cost_gsold value=”-“], yielding a gross basic income of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=gross_income value=”-“]. For shareholders, given the total diluted outstanding shares of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=total_do_shares value=”4.26M”], this means an overall earnings per share of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=eps value=”(0.69)”]. Note, this compares with a consensus analyst forecast of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=eps_forecast value=”N/A”] in earnings per share for its next fiscal quarterly report.
Next, let’s look ahead at coming performance based on what analysts are projecting for the company more generally, before closing with a survey of the balance sheet and cash flow.
At present, analysts hold a consensus average recommendation of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=an_recommend value=”Buy”]. This is based on a total of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=num_an value=”1″]. While we don’t suggest taking analyst recommendations as face value plans for action in a portfolio, we do think it is important to note where consensus is on a stock to understand what basic assumptions are perhaps already discounted into market pricing of shares of the stock.
As far as price targets, analysts currently have an average target on shares of at [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=avg_prc_tgt value=”7.00″]. In addition, if we turn to next year, we see estimates of a fiscal year forecast to bring about [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=next_fi_estm value=”-1.57″] in total earnings per share. On a median price to earnings ratio basis, that outlook adds up to a valuation of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=median_pe value=”9,999″] times earnings.
So far, we have covered how the company is doing on both the top and bottom line, as well as what professional analysts believe about its core trends and operational and financial performance going forward. However, we would be remiss if we did not also take a quick look at cash flows and the company’s balance sheet to round out our perspective on the name.
As the reader is no doubt aware, for any company, balance sheet health sits at the heart of the company’s capacity to stand up to the demands and obligations incurred by normal and contingent operations, which in turn lies at the core of a company’s ability to retain the faith of investors in the marketplace. For [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=ticker value=”NASDAQ: CYCC”], the company presently holds about [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=cash_mrq value=”16.52M”] in cash in the coffers. That cash is balanced against about [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=debt_mrq value=”-“] in total current liabilities.
It’s important to consider both a static and dynamic picture, particularly where debt levels are concerned. This means, we need to take into account any trends. In this case, the company?s debt has been [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=grth_fail value=”falling”]. The company also has [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=total_assets value=”19.66M”] in total assets, balanced by [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=total_liab value=”5.39M”] in total liabilities, which suggests where this story might go under adverse economic or financial conditions.
As far as cash flows, the company saw a free cash flow last quarter of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=free_cash_flow value=”(2.95M)”], representing a quarterly net change in cash of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=net_change_cash value=”2.1M”]. On a net operating level, the company saw about [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=net_op_cash value=”(2.95M)”] in cash flow.
We will update the interesting story of [market_watch ticker=CYCC item=name value=”Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals Inc.”] ([market_watch ticker=CYCC item=ticker value=”NASDAQ: CYCC”]) as new events transpire.
[intr_chart ticker=CYCC src=”http://www.financialstrend.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/-CYCC5.png”]