Earthlink Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:ELNK) Tops MSPmentor Ranking For the Second Consecutive Year


Dallas, Texas 03/12/2014 (FINANCIALSTRENDS) – Earthlink Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:ELNK)announced that it has secured top position in 501 managed service providers (MSPs) rankings for the second consecutive year. In the   seventh-annual MSPmentor 501 Global Edition leading world’s Top 501 MSP’s, the company is ranked number one. The ranking is based on the MSPmentor’s global online survey, conducted October December 2013.  .

Michael D. Toplisek, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing credited this achievement to the efforts pitched in by the EarthLink’s dedicated employees towards developing the IT business and managed services. MSPmentor 501 report also states that there is a significant gain in momentum with the current company’s focus on cloud and managed services is towards meeting the current customer demands who are looking for blend of managed on-premises and cloud capabilities.

About Earthlink Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:ELNK)

ELNK is the leading service providers in IT and communications space. They provide scalable solutions specific to each of the client and more importantly tailoring to their needs. The company with approximately 90 metro fiber rings and 8 data centers covers up over 29,000 fiber route mile networks in US.

Earthlink Holdings Corp (NASDAQ:ELNK) Declares Financial Reports for 2013

ELNK announced their fourth quarter and full year 2013 results.  For the 4Q2013, the company reported $301 million as the net revenue. The net cash generated by the operations in the quarter was 40.7 million and free flowing cash was reported to be $16.2 million.  The emerging service witnessed a very strong growth during 4Q2013, and posted huge quarter revenue of $328 million. During 4Q2013, the Business services segment was reported as the most profitable stream which contributed over 78% revenue to the company.  For the full year 2013, the revenue reported was around $1.24 billion.

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