Tango Mining Ltd (CVE:TGV) has announced its collaboration with Georges Zard (GZ).In this business dealing, GZ will be entitled to a 31% interest in African Star Minerals(Pty) Ltd. The African Star Minerals (Pty) Ltd owns 100% of the South African Oena Diamond Mine which is worth US$300,000.
Georges Zard has expressed great optimism in the new deal terming it as a great investment opportunity which will get it to climbing even higher in the economic corporate ladder. It greatly appreciates the opportunity to work with Tango as a technical partner since it is such partnerships that enable companies make huge milestones in terms of performance in the stock markets.
Tango is a company with a wealth of experience in business. Currently, it has set up plans to oversee development in future. It is directing a lot of resources towards the achievement of an established market presence which is very important towards the attainment of economic progress in the mining sector.
This giant company has been mining coal, precious stones as well as metals for quite a long period of time. That has helped it better understand most of the intricacies that are associated with the mining industry and that means it will always have an upper hand when it comes to resolving business matters.
The companies in this collaboration are happy with the current plans and look into a future filled with high expectations. That can be seen from the forward-looking statements which at face value seem rather ambitious.
Forward looking statements are usually characterized by words such as “forecasts”, “believes”, “estimates” and “projects”. The very nature of these words spells out uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are never guarantees for great future performances and shouldn’t be mistaken as such. They are simply the management’s assessments of future plans and operations and it is based on the current projections and estimates.
That is the reason as to why as a wise investor it is important to take your time to look into much more that the looking-forward statements associated with the various companies. As a matter if fact, the forward-looking statements will never be a measure of future performance and thus it would be wrong placing undue reliance upon them.