Image Sensing Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:ISNS) Insider Activity Plays Hard


Dallas, Texas 09/03/2014 (FINANCIALSTRENDS)  – Image Sensing Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:ISNS) is expected to gain from the recent spate of violence in Ferguson. Following the violence, a democratic senator from Missouri reported that federal funding will be provided to the police department to deploy cameras for safe keeping, during such incidents as the Michael Brown.

Image Sensing Systems, Inc.(NASDAQ:ISNS) is expected to gain from the use of body cameras by police officials and will expect to see the sales of is products scale high.

Image Sensing Systems, Inc.(NASDAQ:ISNS) has been seeing a downward trend in the past few quarters and the bill is all set to make it profitable for Image Sensing.

But in all the positive news, there was some insider activity which demands attention.

One of the major shareholder’s of Image Sensing, Austin W. Greenhouse Da Marxe was found to have sold over 488,892 shares on Wednesday. The value of the transaction was $1,848,011.76 with each share price at $3.78. The event of the sale was reported before the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The company has been making inroads in the market in recent times for the range of market videos as well as radar image processing products it has on offer. Most of these are found to have application in traffic scenarios as well as intersection control. The company noted that the highway, tunnel as well as bridge and traffic management, traffic data collection too was found to be more efficient with the Image Sensing System products.

Therefore, despite the upside seen in the Democracts pressure to equip police force with on-body cameras, the insider sale of stake by Image Sensing Systems shareholder does set a negative trend. But the upside of increased sales with government orders is expected to far out-weigh insider activity!

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