IShares FTSE / Xinhua China 25 Index (ETF) (NYSEARCA:FXI)’s recent decline in prices of the ETF is observed to be a minor correction in the bullish trend of the fund


Dallas, Texas 07/15/2013 (Financialstrend) – A recent report maintained that the Chinese economy is currently facing severe slowdown in growth coupled with a liquidity crunch in the recent times. Analysts are concerned about the integration of the Chinese economy in the international economic conditions in the recent years, the rapid increase in credits and loosening of standards for lending.

The Exchange Traded Fund of the technology, telecommunication, oil & gas and financial companies of the Chinese economy has been effectively designed to represent the equity market of China to the investors. It was formerly called the FTSE China 25 Index fund after the underlying index, and the fund is designed to obtain the investment results related to the companies comprising the index. The ETF has been recently surging to higher levels after the steep decline to the lowest prices by early July 2013. The recent decline in prices of the ETF is observed to be a minor correction in the bullish trend of the fund.

IShares FTSE / Xinhua China 25 Index (ETF) (NYSEARCA:FXI) closed at $33.21 on Friday, recording a decline of 2.78% for the stock. During the day, the stock was fluctuating between a low intraday price of $33.12 and a high intraday price of $33.45 per share. The stock currently has a 52-week low of $31.35 and a 52-week high of $41.97 per share. IShares FTSE has a market cap of $5.45 billion with around 164.10 million outstanding shares in the market and institutional ownership in the company of 77 percent of the company’s total equity capital. The stock witnessed active trading in around 4.63 million shares on Friday.

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