IT Industry Majors Come Together To Envision Innovative Open Container Project


The technological sphere is highly ecstatic about venturing into a concept called common container specification. This shall be ideal for deploying commonly established standards for software containers, which the coalition of industry juggernauts are hankering after.

17 companies constitute a coalition

Linux Foundation is housing this project; this would help users and companies alike in all respects. The initiative is deemed to innovate and dish out means for ready container based solutions, without being affected by specifications, inclusive of specific technology-veterans.

The OCP model is vendor-neutral, open-governance-model and open source., Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), Cisco, CoreOS, EMC, Docker, Goldman Sachs, HP, Microsoft, Intel, Linux, Red Hat, Apcera, Google, Huawei, Joyent, Pivotal, IBM, Linux Foundation, Rancher Labs are the premier stakeholders in developing this innovative common platform.


Jason Zander, the CVP of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) Azure shared his excitement as the industry stalwarts are coming together hand-in-glove for the benefit of customers irrespective of their nature of cloud provider. Pivotal shall contribute towards building open source communities, Rancher Labs shall focus on developing consolidated infrastructure whereas Red Hat shall work towards augmented expansive innovation.

Other parties to the OCP, comprise VMware and Linux Foundation have taken resort to substantial help from Mesosphere, ensuring customers get to complete implementations without lock-in. Intel and Joyent are pragmatic about the future of the collaborative container project with quick to deploy cloud solutions.

Cross-platform portability holds the key

Be it CoreOS’ Rocket or Apcera’s Kurma, any of the stakeholders can easily ensure rapid functioning of their applications, in a hassle-free vein. Key IT veterans like EMC,, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), IBM, Intel, Huawei, Google and HP are working towards improved development of apps with cross-platform portability.

The OCP is undergoing a series of alterations and my come into the limelight within the upcoming three months. There is hope that the common standard shall be popular and benefit consumers with holistic productivity.

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