Dallas, Texas 02/03/2014 (FINANCIALSTRENDS) – Terra Tech Corp (OTCMKTS:TRTC) the leading urban-farming technology provider has been successful in building agricultural industry portfolio for hobbyists as well as home practitioners. The company which began it operations in this unique segment of agricultural products development in 2008 has now grown to offer services for Fortune 500 companies as well. The company now offers various domain-related services through its subsidiary which is located in Oakland, California through GrowOp Technology. Terra Tech Corp is incorporated in the State of Nevada.
Terra Tech Corp (OTCMKTS:TRTC) currently trades on the market between the price ranges of $0.43 to $0.47. The 52 week range for the company is poised between high of $0.06 and $0.66 low. Volumes for the company are at 3.81 million, while the average volumes are at 8.53 million. The market cap that the company currently holds is 53.15 million.
TRTC jumps
Terra Tech Corp (OTCMKTS:TRTC) saw a jump over its last traded price as on Jan 27. The sudden rise in its value was due to the success it achieved with it half an acre plant seeding project, in New Jersey. Apparently, the seeding does not convert to immediate cash and returns on the seeding investment will be seen in due course after the cannabis harvest. The company will now focus on procuring the necessary permits for the cannabis business in the state.
Terra Tech Corp (OTCMKTS:TRTC) is engaged in technology that provides higher technical solutions for the agricultural sector. The solutions are related to hydroponic equipment use and include proprietary software allowing users higher efficient management of agricultural practices. Terra Tech is also provides hardware as well as software solutions which increase the sustainable equations, especially for indoor agricultural practices. It provides easy to adopt and use solutions for green thumbs and home gardening enthusiasts. The company is known to use industry expertise – from engineers to plant scientists to enterprises using indoor agricultural practitioners when horticulturists.