Dallas, Texas 04/08/2014 (FINANCIALSTRENDS) – Companhia de Saneamento Basico (ADR)(NYSE:SBS) too is riding the Brazilian Samba that the ADR stocks are performing on US stock markets over the past weeks.
This has been true of most of the Brazil-based ADRs, despite the power-packed punch the country’s economy has received what with the credit rating as well as a sizeable jobs report. The investment scene trend setter Moody has since rated Brazil as ‘Investment’ positive, ensuring that investors relook large-sized companies with sound track records.
Companhia de Saneamento Basico (ADR)(NYSE:SBS) is one of those companies which is likely to benefit from the stable rating guidance by the US based Moody’s Investor Services.
As with nearly every nation in the world which does business with the US, the Brazilian government too has always held that a recovery in the US will mean that this country too will see positive growth.
Companhia de Saneamento Basico (ADR)(NYSE:SBS) along with other heavy weights trading on US browsers, such as Telefonica Brasil, FibriaCelulose as well as BRF SA have all traded higher.
Companhia de Saneamento Basico (ADR)(NYSE:SBS) is engaged in providing core environment cleaning and sanitation services for local consumers. The company has also been engaged in supply as well as treatment of water, transportation and sewage disposal services as well.
Companhia de Saneamento Basico (ADR)(NYSE:SBS) is located in Brazilian metropolis of Pinheiros and has the government of the state of Sao Paulo as one of the shareholders. The company is invested in other companies such as AquaploAmbiental SA and a wide range of Brazilian companies as well.