First NBC Bank Holding Co. (NASDAQ:FNBC) stock had a weekly Volatility of 132.60% and a monthly volatility of 38.83%. First NBC Bank Holding Company FNBC shares float stands at 17.92M.
First NBC Bank Holding Company quarterly Return on Assets is -0.70%%, quarterly Return on Equity was -8.50%% while quarterly Return on Investments was 26.00%%.
Net Profit Margin was -17.70%% and operating margin was 45.10%%.
The company’s Total Debt/Equity stood at 0.97 while Long Term Debt/Equity was 0.97.
The company’s stock 50-Day High is $-87.68% and a 50-Day Low of $554.51%. 20-Day Simple Moving Average was $-79.40% while 50-Day Simple Moving Average was $-83.66%.
The Barchart Technical Opinion rating is a 96% Sell with a Average short term outlook on maintaining the current direction. Longer term, the trend strength is Maximum. Long term indicators fully support a continuation of the trend. The market is in highly oversold territory. Beware of a trend reversal.
The company announced EPS of $-1.73. This represents an EPS growth quarter over quarter of -72.90%%. EPS for the whole years was $-159.70%. For the last five years, the stock has reported an average EPS growth of -26.20%% and EPS growth for next year is projected to be -43.83%% while EPS growth for the next five years will be 10.00%%.
The company’s monthly average volume for the quarter was 1.38M and 1.38M for the full financial year. The relative volume was 63.50 for the quarter and 63.50 for the full financial year.
The stock’s 50-Day High during the quarter was $-87.68% while the 50-Day Low was $554.51%. In the last financial year, the stock has a 52-Week High of $-97.03% and a 52-Week Low of $554.51%.
The company’s Insider Ownership was 4.30% and Institutional Ownership was 73.80%. Total Institutional Transactions amounted to -0.37%. Sales growth quarter over quarter was 21.60%.